What to Know About Fall Onions

Planting For Fall Harvest? If you plant onions now, they’ll start bulbing (pushing away the surrounding soil) very soon, even though the onions have not fully developed. This is because bulbing is triggered not by plant size, but by daylength. Spring planting allows time for…

Watering Your Onion Patch

The right amount of moisture is key in your onion patch. When watering your onions, there is a fine line that must not be crossed when it comes to the amount of water your onions need. Onion plants require adequate water to produce high yields,…

Reaching Full Onion Bulb Potential

Most Dixondale Farms customers strive to grow the largest onions possible. Providing your plants with enough space to bulb is crucial starting from the day you plant your onions. We recommend planting your onions no more than 1/2 to 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart. These…